"Welcome to our home in the heart of Brazil.
In addition to being one of the most renowned eco-tourism destinations in Brazil, the Chapada dos Veadeiros is regarded as one of the country's major mystical and alternative tourist spots.
It encompasses stories and narratives that highlight the vital connection to the land, the skies, and abundant nature. The Cerrado biome, thought to be one of the oldest in the world, not only showcases breathtaking landscapes but also provides a genuine feeling of being in touch with nature's beauty at all times.
This aids in the challenge of understanding our aims in pursuit of emotional, spiritual, and mental quality.
Check out the complete schedule for this program and come join us for this unique experience."
"Welcome to our home in the heart of Brazil.
In addition to being one of the most recognized ecotourism destinations in Brazil, Chapada dos Veadeiros is considered one of the main mystical and alternative tourist destinations in the country.
Contains stories and narratives that highlight the important connection with the land, the cities and the abundant nature. The Cerrado biome, considered one of the oldest in the world, shows impressive landscapes on the ground, which also offers us an authentic sensation of being in contact with natural beauty at all times. This facilitates the challenge of understanding our goals in search of emotional, spiritual and mental quality.
Consult the complete program of this program and enjoy this unique experience with us."

Our group retreats and immersive programs are designed to provide a transformative and integrated experience. We believe that art, music, and dance play a significant role in the process of self-discovery, and our programs are influenced by alternative medicines and knowledge, offering a unique and well-curated experience.
Our group retreats and immersive programs are designed to offer a transformative and integrated experience. We believe that art, music and dance play an important role in the process of self-discovery, and our programs are influenced by alternative medicine and knowledge, providing a unique and well-cared for experience.
We offer scholarships for LGBTQIA+ participants.
We offer gowns for LGBTQIA+ participants.
The practices offered in our retreats are specially developed to promote well-being and self-awareness. These practices allow participants to reach a state of physical, mental, and emotional balance, thereby enhancing their personal and professional performance. They are excellent resources for dealing with stress and anxiety, thus enabling you to feel happy and healthy.
Las prácticas ofrecidas en nuestros retiros están especialmente desarrolladas para promover el bienestar y el autoconocimiento. Estas prácticas permiten a los participantes alcanzar un estado de equilibrio físico, mental y emocional, mejorando así su desempeño personal y profesional. Son excelentes recursos para manejar el estrés y la ansiedad, permitiéndote así sentirte feliz y saludable.

First stop: Anjos Waterfall
It is the first attraction and is located below the Arcanjos waterfall, meaning there is no way to miss the path, and you don't even need wings to get there.
It's just a short 1.5 km walk and you can jump into the freezing water and admire the rock formations. And what a formation! The waterfall was formed under a mini canyon and has a drop of about 30 meters. It's a large pool and perfect for cooling off after a hike, but be prepared for the cold, because the waters are cold all year round!
We share some important tips for those thinking about coming to CHAPADA:
1. Plan ahead: Make sure you are prepared for the trail, whether with proper equipment, a GUIDE, clothing and shoes suitable for the trail.
2. Follow safety rules, be careful where you step and always use all four supports to get up or down more safely.
3. Be aware: Take your trash, including organic trash, with you.
4. Bring a bottle of water and a snack
5. There is a time to return. And the price is R$ 35.00.
Check at the entrance.

Chega até a ser a segunda na ordem de chegada, mas fica lá no topo, todo trabalhado na altitude. Dá pra nadar em um poço espaçoso, que é levemente escuro, mas limpinho que só ele!
A trilha é toda sombreada, uma delícia pra caminhar. E ainda tem uma banheira natural gigante do lado da queda, mas só dá pra entrar no período de seca - ou seja, se você quiser dar um mergulho por lá, tem que rezar pro sol segurar a onda!
Mas a Arcanjos é top mesmo, tem um poço maior e bem fundão, com umas escadinhas de água que vão descendo pelo rio. Não tem como não se apaixonar!
A Cachoeira Arcanjos é o lugar perfeito para desfrutar de um dia relaxante junto à natureza. O contato com a Natureza, uni o exercícios físicos com o estado de relaxamento, aprimorando sensações e trabalhando nossos medos e anseios. É na natureza que buscamos refúgio.

Location/how to get to the spiritual retreat
(Mill Village - Chapada dos Veadeiros)
Directly from the mountains and waterfalls of Chapada dos Veadeiros, we will gather around the fire for a transdimensional experience of inspirational connection and regeneration of the being.
Together we will experience a journey of self-knowledge through the knowledge of this land, organic family and agroforestry food, experiences and self-care practices in a diverse and free way.

Carpooling: We organize carpooling from Brasília and Alto Paraíso to make it easier for people who don't have a car or who arrive by plane/bus to get there.

The village of Moinho is 12km from the city of Alto Paraíso de GO and is a small village in the heart of a beautiful valley in Chapada dos Veadeiros.
Surrounded by mountains and rivers of pure and healing water, the quilombola village is studied for its rich biodiversity and the healing alternatives that the community presents, such as the study of medicinal herbs, abundant production of organic food with a strong reference in agroforestry and diverse knowledge of the land.
BY PLANE: Take a flight to Brasilia and from there we will give you the transfer and ride coordinates. We will help you organize your arrival.
BY CAR: From Brasília to Alto Paraíso it is 225km on an excellent road. Average time is 2h30. We will send you directions.
BUS: Take a bus to Brasília and from Brasília to Alto Paraíso. We will help you buy the tickets.

Food for the spiritual retreat
During our events and spiritual retreats, you can count on an ovo-lacto vegetarian menu consisting of hot and cold dishes prepared by cooks who take care of the complete nourishment of body and soul.
Please let us know about any allergies or dietary restrictions.
*Any special needs must be informed at least 10 days in advance of the event.
.*As the intention is to be present and connected with our consciousness, there is no need or incentive to consume
alcohol during the event.
It is a place that was once home to alternative festivals in the 70s, when the hippie movement arrived in Alto Paraíso and was also a space for several studies on ancestry and HEALING through alternative medicines.
At the mill you can find initiatives that were and are famous for their great positive impact on the land and people, such as: Raizeiras and Curandeira Dona Flor, Comunidade Alternativa Flor de Ouro, ONESS Meditation Center, Terra Booma (Agroforestry), among others.

Accommodation in Secreto Cerrado
See below the different ways you can choose to experience your experience at Secreto.

Oferecemos uma estrutura de camping, com barraca, colchão, travesseiro e cobertor, para sua comodidade em meio ao Jardim do Secreto.

Our suites are designed for two to three people and are organized according to the needs of the experience. All the care and comfort with a warm bed and a simple and welcoming space so that you can only worry about yourself.

Our Secret Cottage is one of the most comfortable and cozy spaces for those looking to stay with more privacy, comfort and space. Large bathrooms and bedrooms, kitchen, living room and independent balcony.

Pricing/ Contribution
*Important. The package includes all daily rates, therapies and meals.* (Does not include airfare, land transfers or entrance to the waterfall.)
*CAMPING:* R$ 2,344 cash
We offer a camping structure, with tent, mattress, pillow and blanket, for your comfort in the middle of the Secret Garden.
*HOSTING SUITES: R$ 3,304 cash
Our suites are designed for two to three people and are organized according to the needs of the experience. All the care and comfort with a warm bed and a simple and welcoming space so that you can only worry about yourself.
*CHALET ROOMS: R$ 3,688 cash
Our Secret Chalet is one of the most comfortable and cozy spaces for those looking to stay with more privacy, comfort and space. Large bathrooms and bedrooms, kitchen, living room and independent balcony.
*We have scholarships of 20% to 100%*, if you cannot afford the full amount, tell us why you need a scholarship so that we can make your participation in the experience affordable.

Cancellation Policy
Entendemos que imprevistos acontecem e que nem sempre podemos controlar as circunstâncias ao nosso redor. Por isso, pode ser que os tipos de experiências que oferecemos precisem ser alterados devido a mudanças no espaço, movimentação ou até mesmo devido a imprevistos com nossos facilitadores.
Entendemos também que nossos clientes podem precisar cancelar suas reservas por motivos diversos, e por isso temos uma Política de Cancelamento clara e justa. Se você precisar cancelar sua reserva, ofereceremos um crédito para que você possa participar de uma próxima experiência ou hospedagem conosco.
Estamos sempre buscando maneiras de tornar sua experiência conosco a melhor possível, mesmo diante de mudanças inesperadas. Se tiver qualquer dúvida sobre nossa política de cancelamento ou sobre nossas experiências, não hesite em entrar em contato conosco. Estamos aqui para ajudar!
Para cancelamentos com mais de 30 dias de antecedência da data de início do evento: Devolução do valor integral. (Exceto taxas de transação)
Para cancelamentos em até 15 dias de antecedência do evento: Devolução de 50% do valor pago (Exceto taxas de transação e o valor relacionado ao espaço)
Para cancelamentos com menos de 15 dias de antecedência do evento: Crédito do valor para qualquer outro evento produzido pelo Secreto. (Exceto taxas de transação e o valor relacionado ao espaço)
Caso consigamos preencher a sua vaga, é possível realizar a devolução integral do valor.
Em caso de emergência de saúde, avaliaremos as condições caso a caso para organizar o reembolso.
As políticas de cancelamento são baseadas em todos os investimentos que temos no espaço, materiais, contrato de facilitadores e cozinha feitos com antecedência para a realização do mesmo.
Esperamos que alguma dessas opções possa lhe contemplar e juntos possamos compreender o melhor caminho.